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The Stained Glass of
St. John's Episcopal Church


The Champ Memorial Window

This large, exquisite window was made by Charles Connick Associates of Boston, Massachusetts. Completed in 1981 and dedicated in 1982, the window was donated by the will and family of Frederick P. Champ, in honor not only of Frederick P. Champ, but also, per his wishes, in memory of his mother and stepmother. The Champ family has a very long and important history with St. John's and has been instrumental in many area of parish life. 


The window itself contains many stories and symbols, focusing specifically on the Gospel of St. John It beautifully portrays the scope of St. John's Gospel, recurrent themes found there, and miracles of Jesus that are unique to that particular gospel. Also depicted are the shields of the apostles.

The Barrett Window

 The Barrett Window was created by the F.X. Zettler Company of Munich, Germany. The window was given in memory of Adelaide Chochrane Barrett by her son. Mrs. Barrett was a teacher at the school held at St. John's. Her love of children is shown in the window through the protection of the child from the snake. Unfortunately, further details of the meaning of the window are lost due to bombings in World War II. The window was installed in 1910 and blessed by the Reverend Paul Jones.

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The Bakker Windows

This small, beautiful window depicts Jesus in the company of children. It was commissioned by Jan Bakker, a longtime St. John's parishioner in honor of his friend and colleague, Francelia Butler, a Professor of English at the University of Connecticut. The window, designed, built, and installed by Shenandoah Studio of Stained Glass of Front Royal, Virgnia, was dedicated May 11, 1997.

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